Monday, June 13, 2011

Party for Baby Rainbow!

My sweet, sweet girlfriends threw the best party for Baby Rainbow. I wouldn't let them do a "shower" so they threw a fun family party with fun rainbow decorations and foods (rainbow cupcakes, rainbow covered pretzels, skittles, rainbow fruits, rainbow lollipops, rainbow goldfish, and rainbow skittles, and super cute decorations)! Plus, we enjoyed a yummy mexican dinner. It was so sweet! The adults and kiddos had a great time.

Here are a few photos of the fun!

Don't we look just like we did in college (over 15 years ago)? hee hee! : )

1 comment:

  1. wow -- you girls do look just like you did in college.....teeheehee :) Love you Mere and can't wait to meet baby rainbow!
