Friday, January 20, 2012

Merry Christmas!!!

Wow, how time flies!  It's already late January and I'm just now getting to Christmas pictures!  We even still have our Christmas bins in the house... I have high hopes they will make it back to the attic this weekend.   :)  We have been quite busy since Christmas...spending over a week at the beach, Sam having yet another week off school, and then getting back into the swing of things. 

Here are a few pictures of the Holland kiddos on Christmas Day.  It was such a fun Christmas...the boys were so excited.  The anticipation leading up to Christmas was the best!   Here are the boys looking downstairs on Christmas morning trying to check out some things that Santa left them...

 Shootin' hoops!
 Don't forget about cute little KK...
 Pops and Katie on Christmas Eve... I think Pops is smitten...
After a fun Christmas morning at our house we headed to Macon to have another Christmas celebration.  Here are the boys opening even more gifts.

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