Sunday, December 18, 2011

Miscellaneous Goings On at the Holland House...

There is so much going on this time of year.  I can hardly keep up - much less even take photos.  : )  Here are a few snapshots from the past few days of the little monkeys...

Here is Will at his Christmas performance at school.  It took him a while to see us, but once he did... he was all smiles (minus his two front teeth).  You can see that his friends saw us before he did and were pointing us out to him.  Cute kids....
Just a pic of Katie chillin out in her car seat before we were heading out somewhere.  Just a happy, happy girl!
Here are some pictures of Katie eating her first first solid food...delicious rice cereal.  She seemed to like it... mostly smiles and ate quite a bit. : )   Here is a look of a little skepticism...

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