Saturday, April 28, 2012

Fun at the Playground

We enjoyed an afternoon at the playground this week.  I was able to snap a few pics of the cuties playing... Katie just loves the swing.
 Will is an absolute monkey...
 Katie playing with a little pinestraw.
 Sam can slide and not spill his root beer.  Success!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Boys Being Boys

Last weekend, I caught the boys a few times just being boys!  I love it. 

This is my personal favorite... we were all inside watching the Bruins hockey game on Sunday.  The boys went outside.  After about 10 minutes I went out to check on them, and they had their own hockey game going on in the driveway.  Will had found some of the Lego boxes and were using them as goalie pads... too, too cute!
 Rich cut a few limbs off a tree and the boys wanted to build a teepee. 
 Will learned how to blow a bubble with gum this weekend.  Thanks Uma!  : )

Katie is 9 months!

Just a few pictures of my little 9 month cutie...

 Doing a little yard work with Daddy...

Happy 5th Birthday, Sam!

Happy 5th Birthday Sam!  Sam had a Lego party with some of his friends from school.  We had tower building contests, Lego Bingo, build a masterpiece, and a Lego pinata (thanks to Uma).  Sam had a great day. 

Here is Sam working on his tower...
 All the kiddos at the party...
 Sam thinking very hard about the bingo game.
 Happy birthday!

 Just look at the smile on Sam's face... he was loving it all!
 Will cannot wait to get a whack at the pinata.

 Party spectactors...
 Sam organized his presents in the order he wanted to open them...
 Sam was thrilled to get the Harbor (he calls it Harbor Rescue).  Now that is one happy kid!
 If you have a Lego party...most of your guests bring Lego sets as gifts!  Yep, they are all already put together - some have even been taken apart and put together for a second time.   He loves Legos!

Happy Easter Part 2 - Katie and Levy

I had to create a separate post for these pictures because they were just too funny.  I really think that Katie thinks Levy is one of her baby dolls.  She just loves poking at him.  It's going to be so fun to see these two grow up together.  She was in heaven when someone put Levy in her lap...

Really, you are putting him here on my lap?  I get to hold him?
 What a cute, cute doll baby he is...
 hmmmm, what should I do to him?  I could give him a kiss, hug him...
 Alright, here goes nothing...
 First things first...I will cover his eyes.
 ...and then cover his mouth.
Oh, no you are taking him from me?  You can't take my baby doll.  (thanks Aunt Beth for this picture... it helps complete the story).  : )

Happy Easter

We spent Easter in Macon.  The kiddos got to enjoy another Easter egg hunt at Uncle B and Aunt Beth's house.  We had a delicious lunch at their house and had another great day of spending time with the family.  It's so fun to see all the kiddos together - - can't wait to see how the cousins will play as they get older!

 A race to find all the eggs - and the giant chocolate bunny!
 The cousins...
 Katie and Jack.  They are only a few weeks apart in age - - they were so cute checking each other out.

Egg Hunt and Family Fun in Thomaston

On Saturday before Easter, we all went to Thomaston to have an egg hunt and yummy dinner with the Perkins family.  It was a great day of hanging out with family, fishing, and hunting eggs.  

Katie and Daddy are on the move to find some eggs...
 Sammy is very interested in the candy inside the eggs...
 Look what I found...
 Will is on a mission...

 The Youmans fam...too cute!
 Hammock Sam...chillin out enjoying the day!
 Will is very serious about his fishing.  When did he become such a big boy? 

 Uma and Levy enjoying the day.