Thursday, April 26, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday, Sam!

Happy 5th Birthday Sam!  Sam had a Lego party with some of his friends from school.  We had tower building contests, Lego Bingo, build a masterpiece, and a Lego pinata (thanks to Uma).  Sam had a great day. 

Here is Sam working on his tower...
 All the kiddos at the party...
 Sam thinking very hard about the bingo game.
 Happy birthday!

 Just look at the smile on Sam's face... he was loving it all!
 Will cannot wait to get a whack at the pinata.

 Party spectactors...
 Sam organized his presents in the order he wanted to open them...
 Sam was thrilled to get the Harbor (he calls it Harbor Rescue).  Now that is one happy kid!
 If you have a Lego party...most of your guests bring Lego sets as gifts!  Yep, they are all already put together - some have even been taken apart and put together for a second time.   He loves Legos!

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