Thursday, April 26, 2012

Happy Easter Part 2 - Katie and Levy

I had to create a separate post for these pictures because they were just too funny.  I really think that Katie thinks Levy is one of her baby dolls.  She just loves poking at him.  It's going to be so fun to see these two grow up together.  She was in heaven when someone put Levy in her lap...

Really, you are putting him here on my lap?  I get to hold him?
 What a cute, cute doll baby he is...
 hmmmm, what should I do to him?  I could give him a kiss, hug him...
 Alright, here goes nothing...
 First things first...I will cover his eyes.
 ...and then cover his mouth.
Oh, no you are taking him from me?  You can't take my baby doll.  (thanks Aunt Beth for this picture... it helps complete the story).  : )

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