Saturday, March 23, 2013

Katie's Easter Egg Hunt

Katie's class at 'school' had an Easter Egg Hunt this week.  Once Katie got the hang of it - she really liked finding eggs.  It was a bit chilly so they moved the egg hunt to the sanctuary at church.  She loved it.


 I think there is candy in these eggs...
 Katie's class getting ready to head to the egg hunt...

 Look what I found!

Not Your Typical Spring Break

Our Spring Break was a little different this year.  We enjoyed a weekend in DC and then we had a week off school.  We had baseball practice to get ready for opening day so we stayed in town...  We had a fun time enjoying things in Atlanta!
Katie chillin' out...
 Katie set up a tea party in her train track!

We had science day.  The boys set up circuits and learned how electricity works.

The boys went bowling one day.  Will hit the jackpot on an arcade game and won 1,000 tickets.  It was crazy. 
 Bowling Boys!  The next day we went to SkyZone ... an indoor trampoline park!  It was so much fun!  They even got Mommy to jump.
 The boys and their imaginations... I think they were making gun powder and sending food up a tree...

Play Ball!

Baseball season starts again!  We had a great opening day.  Sam is playing machine pitch this year (PeeWee) and Will is in another machine pitch league (Minors 2).  Daddy is coaching both teams and luckily they are both on the RedSox.  :)

Here are my ball players...
 Little Katie baseball...enjoying her day at the fields.

 Sam up to bat!
 The Opening Day Parade.  Here is Sam's team truck...

 Will playing pitcher...
 Will's team truck...

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Holland's Head to Washington, DC

What a trip!  The Holland clan headed to Washington, DC for the weekend.  The boys were so excited to see all the monuments and history that DC has to offer.  Mommy and Daddy were excited to return to the city where it all began...  We stayed with one of Daddy's college friends and got to visit with many more.  It was a perfect weekend. 
Here is K on the airplane... the first airplane (before our flight was delayed due to mechanical difficulties and we had to switch planes).  It was an adventure to say the least.  : )


Three little monkeys at ATL...

At the Lincoln Memorial looking at the Reflecting Pool and the Washington Monument...

 A mess of kids...

Two boys and a big, big monument (Lincoln)...

My boys in the big city...

 All the daddy's trying to pack 3 strollers and 13 people in a Traverse...
 Having fun with Caroline...

Silly boys... I think they were just trying to survive the freezing temperatures...  cold, cold and very windy.  We even had snow flurries! 

 Little Katie at the big Lincoln monument...

Will on the Metro!
 Holland/Garland kids!

More February Fun...

I think Katie is getting ready for March Madness...
While the girls were at the beach... Daddy and Pops took the boys to a Hawks game with their school.  Here are the boys with some of their friends...

Two minutes after being home from the girls trip - Katie hung out with her brothers and ended up with a face full of mud!

Family Girl's Weekend at the Beach

We had a fun girls weekend (plus Baby Levy) at the beach.  Mere, K, Uma, Beth, Levy, Beth's mom and Grandma all chilled at St Simons for a weekend.  We were also joined by Nana, Aunt Donna, and Linda some as well.  Lots of girls...
Katie and Levy going for a beach cruise!

 Katie was thrilled to be in charge of the remote....

 Sweet Levy...