Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Holland's Head to Washington, DC

What a trip!  The Holland clan headed to Washington, DC for the weekend.  The boys were so excited to see all the monuments and history that DC has to offer.  Mommy and Daddy were excited to return to the city where it all began...  We stayed with one of Daddy's college friends and got to visit with many more.  It was a perfect weekend. 
Here is K on the airplane... the first airplane (before our flight was delayed due to mechanical difficulties and we had to switch planes).  It was an adventure to say the least.  : )


Three little monkeys at ATL...

At the Lincoln Memorial looking at the Reflecting Pool and the Washington Monument...

 A mess of kids...

Two boys and a big, big monument (Lincoln)...

My boys in the big city...

 All the daddy's trying to pack 3 strollers and 13 people in a Traverse...
 Having fun with Caroline...

Silly boys... I think they were just trying to survive the freezing temperatures...  cold, cold and very windy.  We even had snow flurries! 

 Little Katie at the big Lincoln monument...

Will on the Metro!
 Holland/Garland kids!

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