Saturday, March 23, 2013

Not Your Typical Spring Break

Our Spring Break was a little different this year.  We enjoyed a weekend in DC and then we had a week off school.  We had baseball practice to get ready for opening day so we stayed in town...  We had a fun time enjoying things in Atlanta!
Katie chillin' out...
 Katie set up a tea party in her train track!

We had science day.  The boys set up circuits and learned how electricity works.

The boys went bowling one day.  Will hit the jackpot on an arcade game and won 1,000 tickets.  It was crazy. 
 Bowling Boys!  The next day we went to SkyZone ... an indoor trampoline park!  It was so much fun!  They even got Mommy to jump.
 The boys and their imaginations... I think they were making gun powder and sending food up a tree...

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