Monday, October 11, 2010

Georgia Southern Tailgate!

The Youmans/Holland crew took a roadtrip to Statesboro to tailgate for a Ga Southern football game. We went to support one of our good family friends who coaches at Southern. It was a super fun day with perfect weather, friends, family, and yummy food! It was the first college football game the boys have been to, and they hung in there all day and had a great time. According to the boys the highlights of the day included: playing with everyone all day, seeing Coach Brent, getting to meet a cheerleader, and running on the field after the game.

Here are the little Eagles all decked out in their new tshirts and footballs (big thanks to the Davis family!) : )

Mr. SnaggleTooth. Will joked to Uma that she should not bring corn to the tailgate because he couldn't eat it with his missing tooth. Well, of course Uma brought a piece just for him. He loved it.

Sam and his new friend, Kate (Beth's sister). He loves Kate!

Football Sam!

Part of the tailgating crew... Uma, Pops, Nana, Don, and Barbara.This pic is for Beth... B on the phone with the left foot kickout. : ) Cool dude.

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