Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Rock Ranch (and fun family visitors)

We had a fun fall weekend! Nana and Aunty JoJo were here to visit for the weekend, and we had a ball. Will had a soccer game Saturday morning and then we all headed out to the Rock Ranch for the day. Here are some of the crazy activities that we enjoyed at the Ranch...

The boys in the corn maze. It was the first time Nana or Aunty JoJo had ever been in a corn maze. I think by the end of it they had had enough...and we even did great and got through it in record time (compared to last year). : )

Sam on a giant jumpy pillow...
Will in the corn house. Yep, corn house. It's a little house filled with corn kernals. The kids walk around in it and sink to their knees. I just found a TON of corn in the washer that was left in their clothes. : )
The boys on a slide that goes through a side of a hill...
Sam finally went on his own (after quite a few trips with Daddy and Aunty JoJo).

The boys shooting corn. I don't have a picture of one of our favorite events at the Ranch...pumpkin shooting. The pumpkin shooting is amazing - you just have to see it to understand so I won't even try to explain.
Sam, the Snuggle Bug, with Aunty JoJo.
Mr. Daydreamer...
The boys drove little Gators for quite a while. They loved it. Sam was hilarious because he was quite a good driver, but as he turned corners he looked behind him and was in his own little world. As you can tell from this photo, he's driving with his eyes closed. It was too cute.
Nothing like riding in a plastic tank painted to look like a cow, connected to other cows while being pulled by a tractor through a dusty corn field...good family fun. : )


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