Sunday, December 18, 2011

Miscellaneous Goings On at the Holland House...

There is so much going on this time of year.  I can hardly keep up - much less even take photos.  : )  Here are a few snapshots from the past few days of the little monkeys...

Here is Will at his Christmas performance at school.  It took him a while to see us, but once he did... he was all smiles (minus his two front teeth).  You can see that his friends saw us before he did and were pointing us out to him.  Cute kids....
Just a pic of Katie chillin out in her car seat before we were heading out somewhere.  Just a happy, happy girl!
Here are some pictures of Katie eating her first first solid food...delicious rice cereal.  She seemed to like it... mostly smiles and ate quite a bit. : )   Here is a look of a little skepticism...

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Katie is 5 months old!

Wow - time is just a flying by ...  little Katie is 5 months old.  She is so happy and just loves to smile!  She is very chatty and loves to hold and play with little toys (especially her hands).

Katie's Baptism

We had such a nice family party for Katie's Baptism... Uma, Pops, Nana, Uncle B, Aunt Beth.  The service was nice and hanging with the family for the day was so fun.  Here are a few pictures from the party...

 My little angel...  Katie wore the gown that Mommy wore when she was baptized.  It was made by Katie's great-grandma Edna. 
 Some family pics...

Happy, happy girl.

Decorating the Christmas Tree

We had a fun family Christmas party decorating the tree.  Here are the boys with the finished product...
 Sam looking for the pickle...
 I got a few cute pictures of Katie watching her brothers decorate the tree. 

 Katie just loves her at her daddy... 

Don't let all the pictures of fool you... this was K most of the night...sleepy girl!

Search for the Perfect Christmas Tree

We had a fun afternoon at the Christmas Tree farm this year.  We found the perfect tree while the boys got to run around, play on the playground, and go on a hayride.  Katie mostly just chilled out and enjoyed the sunny day!  : )
 Sam is searching for the perfect tree...

 Just chillin' out...
 More chillin' out...
 The Holland crew by our tree!  Wow, our family sure seems a lot bigger this year!  : )  We are so blessed.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Yes, I know it was over 3 weeks ago...but here are some photos of the kiddos!  We had a wonderful family Thanksgiving at the beach.  We had a big family Turkey dinner... Youmans, Holland, Roberts, Wilson, Keys family party at the beach!  I didn't many pictures during the week with the exception of when I took the kids on the beach to get a Christmas card picture.  So many pictures turned out cute... here are some from the day...

This is one of my new favorite pictures of the boys.  I love how Sam is looking to his big bro...

 Happy-go-lucky Sam!

 Sam carefully hanging his ornament on the beach Christmas tree...
 When did my little boy get so big? Such a handsome little boy.
 Wow, that water sure is cold!
 Sweet, sweet little monkeys!

 Love this one...shows all of Will's energy...
 Sweet little blue eyes...

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tis the season...

I know, I know... I haven't posted in WAY too long.  I guess it is that time of year when there is just too much is going on (or maybe the fact that we have 3 kids is starting to catch up with me).  : )   I promise that I have many, many pictures on the way.  I have just downloaded pictures from Thanksgiving, picking out the Christmas tree, Christmas tree decorating, Katie's 5 month b-day, and Katie's Baptism.  Just give me a day or two and I will have some cute pics posted.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

St. B's Fun Run

Will's school had a fun run this past weekend.  It was a full mile... whew, that's a long way for little legs.  Sam was in the Tot Trot and had to do an entire lap around the school as well!  They both did great and it was a fun morning.  Here are my little runners...

 Sam is off and running... he had a HUGE smile on his face!
 Will made a sign to help cheer for Sam!
 Proud, proud Sam after the race!
Will is off on his 1 mile adventure.  After the race he said to me, "I will never in my life do that again."  I"m thinking that we don't have a distance runner on our hands. : )
 Sam made a sign and loved to cheer for Will as he ran by... all 5 times!
 Will is still trotting along...
 Will got a little boost of energy when he saw one of his friends.  They even decided to hold hands and sprint a little ways...
 Will getting a little post race snack! 
So proud of my boys!