Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Years Beach Time!

After Christmas, we went to St. Simons for 8 days to celebrate the New Year and we had yet another Christmas celebration at Nana's! We got to spend time with Aunty JoJo too - it was so much fun.

The boys spent lots of time over the week in "Man Town" with Daddy and Pops. They explored the island every morning. Trips included breakfasts at Waffle House, McD's, Cracker Barrell, a trip to the top of the lighthouse, a bike ride all the way to the village from the house (both ways), a trip to Buzzard-ville (you'll have to ask them), and many other things that they say they can not tell me because it was "man town." I know they had a ball!

The beginning of the week was chilly. We had to get the boys out of the house so we tried out a new playground on the island.

Uma is "roasting (pretend) marshmellows" on the beach with the boys...
Not really sure about something that is going on...

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