Monday, January 31, 2011

Wonderful Warm Weekend

Wow - a weekend of two days above 70 degrees! We needed it and enjoyed every minute of it. Here are some photos of the fun outdoor play.

My sweet boys... yep, Will has another scrape on his face. He ran into the fence on the playground at school on Friday. Poor kid!
The boys thought it was fun to hit the ball off the tee and try to hit me. I had a little fort built to protect myself, but as I was taking a picture of cute, little Sam...I got SMACKED! Here is Sam giving me fair warning..."Hey mom, I'm going to hit this ball and it's going to smack you." I ignore him and just try to get a cute photo...

Ohhhhhh, no! Here is comes. Yep, smacked the lens of my camera. Luckily it was a wiffle ball. : )
"I told you, mom." He was so proud of himself.

Will is getting into the action. I really had some major cover for this...

Will posing! Yep, camo shirt and pants...that's what happens when we let him dress himself on weekends. : ) Uncle B, I think you are responsible for this.
Just hanging out enjoying the beautiful day!

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