Monday, January 31, 2011

You might be a redneck if...

...your son's kindergarten Principal calls your cell phone to tell you that your son has been showing off a spent shotgun shell at school all day. I would like to extend my most sincere gratitude to the great folks in Macon, GA, for this highlight in my life (from an email Rich sent out to the family).

This was last Monday after the boys and I spent a fun weekend in Macon. The boys got lots of Uncle B time and Will ended up with a spent shotgun shell in his pocket as a prized possesion and of course it made it to school the next day. : ) lovely! Anyway, the boys were introduced to a pellet gun this weekend as well. Here are the boys just loving it all...
Thanks to Aunt Beth for being the photographer... : )
Uncle B showing Will the ropes...
Uncle B showing Sam the ropes...
Did Sam fall asleep?
Can't get enough of's so cool.
Even Uma got into the action...
Look B, you shot it...

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