Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sweet Katie Girl!

For some reason it seems like Katie grew up a ton in the last week or so... I guess she is quickly approaching 3 months old.  She's full of big, big, goofy, beautiful grins and sometimes squeals of delight!   Here are a few pictures I took of my little pumpkin today...
 Finally her buns are big enough to fit in some of the super cute bloomers she got.  : ) 
 Smiley Girl!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Weekend with Aunty JoJo

Aunty JoJo came to visit us this weekend!  We had such a fun weekend.  We had soccer Saturday morning  - here are a few pictures from soccer Saturday...

Sam is getting ready for kickoff...
 Here is Will's team - - -Go Vipers!
Aunty JoJo had customized t-shirts for each game with the team name and the boys name on the back... the boys loved it!  Here are the boys with their special guest star.  : )

Go Vipers!
 Go Cosmos!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fun Weekend

We had a fun weekend.   Uma and Pops came up and stayed with us Friday night.  Daddy was up at Princeton for the night. We enjoyed Sam's soccer game and The Taste of Smyrna on Saturday.  Will even went to a birthday Braves game with a friend on Friday night - they were out till midnight!  He loved it. 

On Sunday the boys enjoyed some time with daddy.  Here are some of the photos..  They went to the Braves Game.  It was St. B's Day at the game so Will got to see some of his school friends.  Here are the boys are Turner Field!

After they got home, our neighbor was working on his Mustang and took the boys for a spin around the neighborhood!  They even burned rubber!  Here they are flexing their muscles...
At the end of the day they enjoyed dinner in the back of the truck...what they call a "tailgate party!"  A great way to end the weekend...
Yesterday after school the boys wanted a mohawk so I did the best I could.  Will wasn't sure about his and washed it out pretty quickly.  Sam liked his and even wore it to soccer practice.  : )  Here they are with their best "rocker" face...

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Field of Flags

Last week we took the boys to Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield to check out the Field of Flags (a 9/11 tribute).  It was a nice night to walk around and let the boys check out all the flags. 
 Katie just hanging out... : )

 My cute boys...
 The boys exploring the field...

Monday, September 12, 2011


The boys and daddy decided to camp out in the backyard this weekend.  The boys were just so excited...they were excited to set up camp, use their headlamps, explore the backyard in the dark, eat snacks and candy, play their itouch, read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with daddy, and sleep under the stars!  Here they are kicking off the night ... having grilled hotdogs at the campsite. 

The boys are getting to the age where now when I take a picture they like to make "funny faces."  Here are my goofy, goofy boys.  : )

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Soccer Boys!

We had our first soccer games of the season.  For Sam this was his first sports game ever with a team...he was so excited about it and talked about it all week.  Sam's team is the Cosmos. 

Will is playing this year with "real" soccer rules... a goalie, throw-ins, goal kicks, corner kicks, and a ref!  His team is the Vipers!

Go Cosmos and Vipers!!  We had a great week 1... Will scored a goal and Sam scored a goal!  Woo hoo!

Will is very serious before kickoff ...
 Will even got to play goalie for a while...he loved it!
 Very excited Sam before the game...
 Enjoying all the excitment... he absolutely loved hearing cheering from the sidelines.  It was precious!
 Sam cheering!  He genuinely got so excited every time his team scored.  Here he is doing a fist pump after someone scored a goal. 
 A BIG hug from daddy after Sam scored his first goal ever!  Sammy was so happy! 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Katie is 2 Months Old!

Wow! Time sure does fly... my little pumpkin is 2 months old today! She is starting to smile a lot and make cute little noises! I finally moved her to her crib last night (from the bassinett in our room). It was hard, but she slept for 7 hours (her best yet) so I'm thinking she liked it. : )

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Labor Day at the Beach!

We had a super fun long weekend at the beach. The boys did some fishing, the girls did some shopping, and we had perfect beach weather with lots of fun waves. Here are some pictures of all the fun...

The boys went trout fishing with daddy and pops. They caught fish!!

I had to put one of Daddy on here. He and Pops went fishing for redfish one day and had a ball.

Another picture of proud Will and his fish...Sam with his fish too!

Little Katie enjoyed 3 full days on the beach. She did great! Lots of naps with the ocean breeze...

Happy, happy girl!

I love the goofy little grin!

Will has really improved on his skimboard this year. He learned some new tricks this time and was so excited. He learned how to do a 180, 360, and touch the ground while spinning... : ) He is so proud!

Here's Will looking like a big boy... when did he grow up to a big kid?

The boys met a friend on the beach that had a paddleboard! They had so much fun playing on it and getting pushed around.

Sam chillin' out! : )