Saturday, September 10, 2011

Soccer Boys!

We had our first soccer games of the season.  For Sam this was his first sports game ever with a team...he was so excited about it and talked about it all week.  Sam's team is the Cosmos. 

Will is playing this year with "real" soccer rules... a goalie, throw-ins, goal kicks, corner kicks, and a ref!  His team is the Vipers!

Go Cosmos and Vipers!!  We had a great week 1... Will scored a goal and Sam scored a goal!  Woo hoo!

Will is very serious before kickoff ...
 Will even got to play goalie for a while...he loved it!
 Very excited Sam before the game...
 Enjoying all the excitment... he absolutely loved hearing cheering from the sidelines.  It was precious!
 Sam cheering!  He genuinely got so excited every time his team scored.  Here he is doing a fist pump after someone scored a goal. 
 A BIG hug from daddy after Sam scored his first goal ever!  Sammy was so happy! 

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