Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Labor Day at the Beach!

We had a super fun long weekend at the beach. The boys did some fishing, the girls did some shopping, and we had perfect beach weather with lots of fun waves. Here are some pictures of all the fun...

The boys went trout fishing with daddy and pops. They caught fish!!

I had to put one of Daddy on here. He and Pops went fishing for redfish one day and had a ball.

Another picture of proud Will and his fish...Sam with his fish too!

Little Katie enjoyed 3 full days on the beach. She did great! Lots of naps with the ocean breeze...

Happy, happy girl!

I love the goofy little grin!

Will has really improved on his skimboard this year. He learned some new tricks this time and was so excited. He learned how to do a 180, 360, and touch the ground while spinning... : ) He is so proud!

Here's Will looking like a big boy... when did he grow up to a big kid?

The boys met a friend on the beach that had a paddleboard! They had so much fun playing on it and getting pushed around.

Sam chillin' out! : )

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