Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fun Weekend

We had a fun weekend.   Uma and Pops came up and stayed with us Friday night.  Daddy was up at Princeton for the night. We enjoyed Sam's soccer game and The Taste of Smyrna on Saturday.  Will even went to a birthday Braves game with a friend on Friday night - they were out till midnight!  He loved it. 

On Sunday the boys enjoyed some time with daddy.  Here are some of the photos..  They went to the Braves Game.  It was St. B's Day at the game so Will got to see some of his school friends.  Here are the boys are Turner Field!

After they got home, our neighbor was working on his Mustang and took the boys for a spin around the neighborhood!  They even burned rubber!  Here they are flexing their muscles...
At the end of the day they enjoyed dinner in the back of the truck...what they call a "tailgate party!"  A great way to end the weekend...
Yesterday after school the boys wanted a mohawk so I did the best I could.  Will wasn't sure about his and washed it out pretty quickly.  Sam liked his and even wore it to soccer practice.  : )  Here they are with their best "rocker" face...

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