Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Happy Memorial Day!

We attempted to celebrate Memorial Day at SSI ... our trip got cut a little short, thanks to Tropical Storm Beryl, but we managed to have at least one great beach day!

Sam riding some of the waves...

 Katie enjoying time in the sand!  It's the first time that she has sat in the sand at the beach and played in it... she seemed too love it (even with a little sunscreen in her eye).  : )

 Will enjoying some ice cream in honor of his birthday at the pool...  He's just hanging out with Nana.

A picture of Katie BEFORE she got all muddy and figured out playing the in water and sand was fun. : )
Big Brother Sam and Katie hanging out on the beach...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Happy 7th Birthday Will!

Wow!  Will is turning 7... we had his birthday party last weekend.  We had it a few weeks early so it would be easier to get his friends together before school gets out.   He had a sleepover party.  He invited 3 of his good friends (plus Sam) and they had a ball!  We did all the "boy" stuff that Will really wanted to do... played whiffleball, had a big silly string battle, set up the slip-and-slide, had water gun fights, busted a Darth Vader pinata, ate pizza, and went to sleep watching Star Wars and eating snacks!  : )   Here are a few photos of the fun... 
 Will could not be happier... playing ball in the backyard with 4 friends!

This was Will's favorite decoration... he was precious and told he thought it was so "cool and awesome"... I even got called the "best mom ever."  : )  Love that painters tape decorations can make a 7 year old so happy! 
 Will is getting attacked by Silly String.

 Sam is so loving hanging out with the big boys.
 Happy, happy birthday boy!

 Lining up for the pinata...
 Trading candy and pinata treats...
 Ready for the movie... it was a special treat to have a TV set up in Will's room for the party.  They loved it and talked through the entire movie about everything even about how one boys dad was a pilot (not true), how Princess Leia's hair is funny, and many more thoughts about the movie!  Too cute!

Katie Enjoyed Will's Party

I decided to create a separate post of pictures I took of Katie during Will's party.  She seemed to enjoy watching 5 boys run around like crazy!  Here are a few pictures of her happy, sweet face!

She found the snacks... 

 Katie with the Darth Vader pinata top on her head....

Monday, May 21, 2012

Baseball Season Ends

Baseball season has ended!  What a fun season we had...  Daddy coached both boys teams and the boys really had a great season.  It was Sam's first season of t-ball and he was quite the slugger!  He did great in the field too - he loved playing on the pitchers mound and throwing the runner "out" at first base.   He was great at it.  Here are a few pics of my slugger Sam...

Will has a fabulous season as well.  He played first base most of the seaon and had some amazing plays (One in particular that I think Daddy will talk about forever... a short stop to first base out...stretched out digging it out of the dirt).  He was great at the plate as well - he finished the season with a whopping .885 batting average (23-26).  He's quite the slugger!  We are so proud of our boys.
 The boys enjoying snacks and the ballfield!
 The trophies... proud Sammy!
 Will with his trophy...

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Katie 10 Months!

Katie is 10 months old!  She is crawling around and getting into everything.  Her favorite thing is to watch her brothers play.  She loves them so much.  She's very good at giving kisses and waving bye-bye.  She even says "baby" and attempts to say "balloon" and "brothers."  She loves the B words.  No hint of saying "mama" yet.  : )

Notice she has a little boo-boo over her left eye...yep, the fun is just starting.  Hopefully she will be a little more cautious than her brothers.  

What a Weekend - May 4-6!

Wow!  What a weekend we had... during parts of the weekend we had all 5 grandparents with us (Nana, Uma, Pop, Grammy, and Grampy)!  What a great time we had.   On Saturday, we had 2 baseball games, Will had the May Day Festival at his school, we had a Derby Party, celebrated mom's retirement (at dinner on Friday), and celebreated our 11 year anniversary!  Wow!  Sunday we enjoyed a Tech baseball game!   Here are a few pictures of all the festivities...

Will at the May Day festival singing a few songs for us...
 Will is lazer focused as he gets ready to head for the Dunk Tank.  :)
 Katie and Pops finding the little bit of shade they could at the boys baseball games...
 Big Family lunch at Zuccas...the boys liked cooling down watching the Jetsons and having some Sprite!
 Nothing like ending a hot day with the slip-n-slide...

 Katie is pooped out from all the festivities. 
 Katie enjoying eating a Varsity Grilled Cheese...  She's not sure about the hat.

 Cute bros!
 Grampy, Daddy, and the kids at the Tech Game!
 The boys got to go on the field before the game...high fives from the Tech players.
 My little Yellow Jacket...