Thursday, May 17, 2012

What a Weekend - May 4-6!

Wow!  What a weekend we had... during parts of the weekend we had all 5 grandparents with us (Nana, Uma, Pop, Grammy, and Grampy)!  What a great time we had.   On Saturday, we had 2 baseball games, Will had the May Day Festival at his school, we had a Derby Party, celebrated mom's retirement (at dinner on Friday), and celebreated our 11 year anniversary!  Wow!  Sunday we enjoyed a Tech baseball game!   Here are a few pictures of all the festivities...

Will at the May Day festival singing a few songs for us...
 Will is lazer focused as he gets ready to head for the Dunk Tank.  :)
 Katie and Pops finding the little bit of shade they could at the boys baseball games...
 Big Family lunch at Zuccas...the boys liked cooling down watching the Jetsons and having some Sprite!
 Nothing like ending a hot day with the slip-n-slide...

 Katie is pooped out from all the festivities. 
 Katie enjoying eating a Varsity Grilled Cheese...  She's not sure about the hat.

 Cute bros!
 Grampy, Daddy, and the kids at the Tech Game!
 The boys got to go on the field before the game...high fives from the Tech players.
 My little Yellow Jacket...

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