Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Happy 7th Birthday Will!

Wow!  Will is turning 7... we had his birthday party last weekend.  We had it a few weeks early so it would be easier to get his friends together before school gets out.   He had a sleepover party.  He invited 3 of his good friends (plus Sam) and they had a ball!  We did all the "boy" stuff that Will really wanted to do... played whiffleball, had a big silly string battle, set up the slip-and-slide, had water gun fights, busted a Darth Vader pinata, ate pizza, and went to sleep watching Star Wars and eating snacks!  : )   Here are a few photos of the fun... 
 Will could not be happier... playing ball in the backyard with 4 friends!

This was Will's favorite decoration... he was precious and told he thought it was so "cool and awesome"... I even got called the "best mom ever."  : )  Love that painters tape decorations can make a 7 year old so happy! 
 Will is getting attacked by Silly String.

 Sam is so loving hanging out with the big boys.
 Happy, happy birthday boy!

 Lining up for the pinata...
 Trading candy and pinata treats...
 Ready for the movie... it was a special treat to have a TV set up in Will's room for the party.  They loved it and talked through the entire movie about everything even about how one boys dad was a pilot (not true), how Princess Leia's hair is funny, and many more thoughts about the movie!  Too cute!

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