Monday, May 21, 2012

Baseball Season Ends

Baseball season has ended!  What a fun season we had...  Daddy coached both boys teams and the boys really had a great season.  It was Sam's first season of t-ball and he was quite the slugger!  He did great in the field too - he loved playing on the pitchers mound and throwing the runner "out" at first base.   He was great at it.  Here are a few pics of my slugger Sam...

Will has a fabulous season as well.  He played first base most of the seaon and had some amazing plays (One in particular that I think Daddy will talk about forever... a short stop to first base out...stretched out digging it out of the dirt).  He was great at the plate as well - he finished the season with a whopping .885 batting average (23-26).  He's quite the slugger!  We are so proud of our boys.
 The boys enjoying snacks and the ballfield!
 The trophies... proud Sammy!
 Will with his trophy...

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